Current topics I work on and main interests.
I love to post stuff on Github and a lot of my stuff is public:
I like to work with highly scalable, efficient and reliable architectures (ideally by building them).
Most of my recent experiences have been focused on Media Processing, giving me a nice canvas to try out Event Driven architectures that can be leveraged by Software Teams.
Coding is now (again) a great part of my day-to-day life, with a strong intent on writing self-maintainable code, easy to read and most importantly, simple things that just work™️ .
Cloud (Native) stuff
Working in Cloud, infrastructure and Devops is my thing, even if I always like to write code.
Most of my energy go towards the following aeras of interest:
- Put together event driven, resiliant, highly scalable architectures
- Develop serverless components
- Creating Python and Golang based cloud enabled services
- Supporting engineers in improving Kubernetes cluster ownership
- Advising people to use it only when it’s the most suited tool
- Maintaining existing legacy clusters
Scaleway has a special place in my heart but I just don’t have the occasion to play around with them at this time.
Sharing knowledge
- Doing more public speaking
- Getting a nice rythm with this blog
Automating all the things
A few fun stuff I did in the past:
- tbobm/gha-dynamic-containers: dynamic github matrix creation with container image discovery
- tbobm/apps: hello world components to troubleshoot systems (implementation of dynamix matrixes)
- tbobm/etna-uptime: static statuspage for uptime monitoring based on github actions (from upptime)